Friday, January 11, 2013

Edgar Cayce…not quite a quack, but looks and sounds like a duck.

In the world of psychics and mediums there are those who have the gift to see and communicate with the unseen, they have the ability to truly help those in need of advise, reasoning And understanding fo what is going on in their life and to communicate with those who have passed on. These people seek nothing, but the ability and chance to help those people without any monetary gain or fame. Now of course there are those who turn out to be charlatans, those are people who care about themselves and want to be something bigger than they are whether or not they have a true gift or not. Now these types of fake people have been around since biblical times and in fact the great Harry Houdini spent the end of his career debunking such people and the amazing Randi and Penn & Teller have spent countless hours going after these people as well. In fact the amazing Randi has offered one million dollars to that person who can prove without the shadow of a doubt in a controlled environment their ability to communicate or produce great miracles…to date nobody has collected this reward and you would think people like Sylvia Brown and others would be willing to get this money to help the less fortunate or heck even prove their true fame they so think they deserve.

Now I would like to talk about one person in the past that may or not be a quack, this man believed he was a true psychic and could heal those with incurable illnesses and speak to past on loved ones. This man was named Edgar Cayce and he was definitely one of those people who were and are considered to be one of the king of the quacks or one of the originators…the true king of quacks would be John Edward, come on Edwards please read this and say something. Anyways, Mr. Edgar Cayce has some connection to my family which is how I found about him originally and researched him. Apparently my great grandmother was very heavily into the odd, strange, paranormal and mysteries of the world, yeah I never had a chance to avoid this one, and believe this man to be able to help one of my family members. Now I learned of this story at a family dinner and I had then learned that both sets of grandparents at different times had gone down to see him years ago. Now I really had to find out about this guy and thus why I am here today discussing him.

Mr. Cayce founded  a cult, I mean “association”, called the Association for Research and the Enlightenment located in a number of states, but finally settling in Virginia, which is where my family members had met with him. It was also said he gave some sort of a reading about the lost continent Atlantis and its people and where we were able to locate this forgotten world of wonder from so many years ago…yeah and nobody went to look for it, wonder why they didn’t believe him…I have my ideas, maybe because he was a quack??? Oh wait, he also said the United States would discover the Death Ray that had been used to destroy Atlantis in 1958…maybe they have it stored with the Ark of the Covenant in the Indiana Jones films, wow talk about a discovery.

He was said to be able o help cure those with diseases that were deemed incurable. It was said with his concoctions and remedies that he could make diseases that baffled doctors become a disease of the past…sounds a bit like psychic surgery to me, which we will cover later in another writing of quackery medicine. Yet there was no documented evidence that he really did any of these feats of great miracles and wonderment. There was no evidence that his premonitions ever came true, There was no evidence that he had great powers to heal, talk to the dead, predict the future or hell even tie his shoes. You would think a man with such great supposed abilities would have been able to produce such evidence in order to appeal to the masses that doubted his abilities. I would have loved for Houdini to take him on I would have loved for Randi, or Penn & Teller to take him on and shut him down. He had numerous people convinced of his abilities and to give him money because of their belief in him, just like Benny Hinn.

He swindled these people and had them believe in his false preaching’s and teaching’s and preyed on the weak minded and innocent. These people are the type that need to be shut down and put out of business and exposed as the fakes they are. Now some people may think I am being a bit harsh, but let me explain this to you, I have a family tie to his quackery and his false hope and preachings and teachings. The family member my great grandmother brought to meet with him and heal, was in fact never healed, they never got any better and unfortunately my great grandmother got disheartened and lost some faith. So yeah, am I a bit one sided in this…sure, but prove that this guy wasn’t a quack, if you do I will retract everything I have written with a full apology.

So please be aware of those people who claim to be psychics and have paranormal abilities. Learn and research and go with your gut.

Be safe and don’t buy the bridge they have for sale,

John Cannon
Follow me on twitter: @JohnCannonTBS


  1. Over 10,000 accurate health readings.
    Who's the quack here?

  2. Over 10,000 accurate health readings.
    Who's the quack here?
