Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Bermuda Triangle…in Alaska???

The Bermuda Triangle…it conjures up thoughts of what else…Bermuda. Sandy clean beaches, beautiful crystal clear water, fruity drinks with tiny umbrellas in them, tropical breeze blowing gently…what??? That’s not what you think of when you hear the words Bermuda Triangle??? So let me guess, you must think of strange vortexs that swallow up planes and ships with all occupants on board never to be heard from again. Well I wouldn’t and couldn’t blame you if in fact that is what you think about when those words are mentioned, but I bet you never thought of Alaska. Oh yeah you read that right, there is supposedly a Bermuda Triangle in Alaska, so for all purposes it is the Alaskan Triangle and has been doing the same type of damage for years…it just doesn’t get as much notoriety as its tropical counterpart.

So the Alaskan Triangle stretcheswell over hundreds of miles between the towns of Anchorage, Barrow & Juneau. It came to its most prominence over 20 years ago, 1972 to be exact, with the disappearance of a plane carrying prominent politicians House Majority Leader Hale Boggs and Representative Nick Begich along with the experience bush pilot. They searched for the 3 men for over 35 days and ended up calling off the search and declaring all men deceased. No trace ounce of evidence of them or the plane has ever been found and I don’t think there ever will be. Now some say that the infamous head of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover was in fact responsible for covering leads to the missing men because of his hatred and constant battles with Boggs in the political arena. Now this type of political espionage and secret plots surrounds Washington more than any other government in this entire world and I don’t think I could ever truly go into detail with each and every one of them. However I don’t think Hoover, who was supposedly a closet cross dresser…yeah look that little story up, had anything to do with their disappearance, and I say that because there have been so many cases after this where people have gone missing with no trance ever to be found. So as much as a I am huge Washington political conspiracy theory fan I can safely say this isn’t one of them.

There have been over thousands of recorded missing people in the Alaskan Triangle some either hiking or some flying they have all disappeared without a trace. Now it could easily be chalked up to the harsh climate of the Alaskan wilderness and it multitudes of wild animals willing to eat any potential human who gets lost on their way and the winds and weather in the mountains could easily down a plane without ever trying. So yes, it is quite possible to easily explain the rational to all these people going missing, but to find no trace of any plane or person in all the thousands if missing people cases associated in the area of the Alaskan Triangle, now that seems a bit odd to me. With the technology of today and we can find a single piece of material associated to a missing person leaves me a bit puzzled.  Again, though like its counterpart in Bermuda no traces of the ships, planes or people have been either so it isn’t that farfetched after all I guess.

Whatever the rationale behind the strange mystery of the Alaskan Triangle, it can all easily be connected to the pyramid that is hidden beneath Alaska, pretty simple if you ask me. Wait…what??? You didn’t know about the buried pyramid in Alaska that has been theorized to control the Alaskan Triangle such as the glass pyramids associated in the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle??? It would seem that during a major blast due to the Chinese government due who the hell knows what somehow a large underground pyramid was identified in Alaska. Now I know you’re thinking just like me, WOW what an awesome find and yet its never been really talked about much. In fact the only strange thing talked about in association with Alaska is Sara Palin. So as the theory goes this pyramid id larger that the ones in Egypt and in fact are base that is very active yet we don’t know who runs it and why. My answers are because it’s not a base and it doesn’t exists unless its tied in somehow to the Hollow Earth society then we got ourselves some strange Nazi type stuff going on here. You see how all strange conspiracy theories end up tying into one another here??? The rationale for the underground pyramid could easily be tectonic plates or even a bounce in sound waves distorting the image.

So is there in fact a pyramid under Alaska? Is there truly a Alaska Triangle wrecking havoc in this world making people and planes disappear without a trace? What are hot dogs really made of? Ok that last one is a gimmie, for that answer please reference the movie The Great Outdoors with John Candy and Dan Aykroyd, its worth it. I digress, there are so many areas in the world that could have Triangle like phenomena associated with them that you can never know for sure if it’s science or something much more strange and bizarre. Just make a decision for yourself and do some reading and see what you come up with. I know my vote, but Im not telling…ok here it is…I totally blame Bigfoot.

Be safe and dress warm in Alaska,

John Cannon @JohnCannonTBS

Monday, September 2, 2013

Google Earth and weird stuff we find

Now I think it is pretty safe to say that almost everyone in this entire world no matter the language or country or company you keep have heard of the ever popular time killer called Google Earth. If you haven’t then go sit in a corner and give yourself a time out. Now for the rest of the normal time wasting earth I am sure you have played with the application till exhaustion just as I have. The first thing most people do is find their house and run outside to see if you can see yourself waving. So the smart people who realize this isn’t some sort of live feed sent to your computer by a secret CIA satellite that Google earth somehow connects into, give yourself a pat on the back, and for the rest of you get back inside and finish reading this blog. So after looking at your house and seeing what you can and cannot see I am sure you mess around looking at your friends and family and special places around the world such as the pyramids, great wall of china or even the statue of liberty. Now have you ever searched out the strange and bizarre that scatters our earth? No? Well then keep reading.

What some of the small mass of people in the world who use Google Earth religiously or who have zero social life have managed to find some strange an interesting things on this earth captured by Google Earth. There are a ton of videos on YouTube and I have probably seen about 50 of them and after awhile they start showing the same thing, but it’s still pretty cool none the less. So I have gone through these videos and here is my list of some of the more odd things you will happen to find by using Google earth on this planetary island we call home.


29 51 57.76N, 31 12 57.51E - The Pyramids of Gaza

30 30'38.82"S 115 22'56.14"E - Black Triangular UFO

33 44'17.45"N 112 38'0.17"W - Massive Triangle carved into mountains

53 50'59.55"N 1 58'12.02"W - Red symbol in grass/crops

48 21'10.18"N 11 43'56.72"E  - Spiral Symbol in sand

61 17'58.92"N 149 37'25.62"W - Alien craft with symbol on top

51 28'33.50"N 1 49'15.81"W - Crop Circle Spiral

51 50'43.09"N 0 33'11.03"W - The Lion

40 27'15.19"N 93 23'33.75"E - Unknown image carved in mountains

38°13'36.05"N 112°17'56.56"W - Launched Missile about to take out something

16 54 09.21N, 99 58 15.34 W - Explosion underwater

If you have time go and check these things out, also search around on your own because you never know what you are going to find.

Be safe and look from above,

John Cannon - @JohnCannonTBS

Monday, July 22, 2013

Glass Pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle…that’s a new one…sort of.

The ever popular phrase or words of wisdom spoken to those who judge and ridicule people as a learning lesson…those who live in glass house shouldn’t throw stones. Well this has absolutely nothing to do with this motivational parable to better one self. This does however have everything to deal with a story I had heard about a month ago. I was eating lunch with some friends and the words spoken were “Hey you like this weird stuff in the world” My friends know me oh so well…because the answer would be yes…yes I do. They went on to tell me about a story they had recently heard about that I did not hear about which is abnormal for me, but Im allowed off my game every now and then I suppose. The story was about glass like pyramids that were recently discovered through satellite pictures…give it up for Google Earth. I was intrigued so I wanted to know more, I figured how did they miss these glass like pyramids in Egypt I mean of all things made out of glass no less. However I would be wrong in my location as my friend proceeded to inform me they were discovered in the Bermuda Triangle…missed it by this much, a reference for all you Get Smart fans out there.

It would appear that a number of countries have been conducting sonar experimentation of oceanagraphic  levels all centralized within the Bermuda Triangle area. Why are these countries focusing on this area, well it could be for a number of reasons, but this isn’t about their science experiments and more of their discovery of the weird and bizarre. Besides Im sure what they are really doing will somehow wind up on Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory soon enough…I love that show.

Located about 2000 meters below the surface of the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle is located a strange structure that looks and in fact is a pyramid like structure. The structure appears to be about 200 meters tall with a diameter of 300 meters on each side…oh and its made of a glass-like material possibly quartz or in fact glass itself, it is still undetermined at this point in time. In a size relation it is bigger than the pyramids located in Egypt. It is determined however to be odd and unusual and the theories of how it got there and what purpose it serves is running rampant on a number of levels.

Now situated on the top of this pyramid are two holes which magnify the current of the water causing a vortex, mist and violent waves on the surface above. Now doesn’t that sound a bit familiar? Think back to all the stories of the boats that disappear within the dreaded Bermuda Triangle...they have all talked about rogue waves and strange mists…and who knows with the unexplained power of the pyramids it could possibly mess with the navigation controls/compass of the ships. Now that doesn’t explain the airplanes that disappeared within the Bermuda Triangle, but that is for another time…and who knows it may time in at a later date.

The theories are abundant with the origin of the glass pyramid at the ocean floor. Some believe the pyramid was constructed on land and then through either Pangaea or regular earthquakes may have shifted it into the ocean to its current location. Some believe it to be a part of the great theory of the city of Atlantis and that this pyramid could in fact be the gateway to the hidden sunken city…not quite sure I believe this one, but I would love if it were true…just saying.

Now I know what you’re thinking…maybe I don’t, but I am going to pretend I do for the sake of this blog. You’re thinking WOW how crazy is this I wonder if there are other glass/crystal style pyramids located at the bottom of the ocean sort of like the crystal skulls of Indian Jones fame and the fake end of the world propaganda. The answer to your thought provoking question would be yes…yes there have been a number of other pyramids found before these were, oh and these pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle were found once before by a scuba diver back in 1968.

Now I could get into all the theories of the powers that these mysterious glass like underwater pyramids possess, but I would need a lot more time and a lot more energy to deal with them all. From the writings and beliefs of the pyramid power to the crystal like connection with the crystal skulls there are just far too many of them to try and write out and tear apart individually. Maybe if I get bored and don’t feel like banging my head straight into a brick wall I might write those one day, but today is not that day.

Is it pretty cool to have found these glass like pyramids located within the Bermuda Triangle? The answer would be damn right it is, I know I was intrigued about it from the moment my friend told me about it. Would I love for at least one of these crazy wacky theories of pyramid power to actually work…the answer again would be yes I would, but alas there is no true hard evidence of its existence.

Maybe as I get older I lose more and more of my desire to care about crazy wacky stories like I had in my youth. Maybe they all seem to be the same exact long stretch of the truth to make it something that it is not. Naaaaa, I still love learning about the weird and bizarre, but they do all seem to be repeating the same old story line anymore, I just wish people would stop grasping and straws and grasp more at the truth…oh well.

Be safe and watch out for those pesky pyramids,

John Cannon

Twitter: @JohnCannonTBS

The Spear of Destiny…one relic Hitler would have loved to acquire.

Holy relics…the relics that any and all archeologist, antique dealer &/or psychopathic madman or woman, lets be pc on this one, would want to get their hands on. Sure relics of the past are a huge market especially on the black market. Hell there is massive amounts of money given each day for the real things as well as forgeries and fakes. Which I guess a forgery is a fake so why do people usually say the two together? It doesn’t matter, but what does matter is that ancient holy relics have been sought after since after the death of Christ. Sure Egyptian and Chinese and ancient English relics are by far among the top of those those relics sought after, but ancient holy relics far surpass those.

So what types of ancient holy relics are there, well Im glad you asked…ok you might not have asked, but for literary sake I am saying you asked so just keep reading. Soon after the crucifixion and death of Christ it was said that any relic associated with him or his stories of miracles throughout the bible would bring a wide range of powers to those who possessed them. These weren’t just limited to Jesus, but a good majority of them were.  Spilnters from the cross, nails that were driven through him, the ark of the covenant, the holy grail and so on and so on, the list keeps going and going and growing and growing.

It is said that if you took at the supposed splinters if the cross and put them together that it would total around 50 crosses. Why is this you might wonder? Well because back in the day fakes were more rampant then they are now a days. However there is one holy relic that was sought for by one of the most psychotic madmen to have ever lived…so far. That man would be Hitler and that holy relic would be the spear of destiny. It is said that whomever possess the spear of destiny will have unlimited power and everlasting life. That’s right who ever has that spear can never die and have power that rivals that of God himself. Wow…can you imagine that? Hitler could.

For those who do not know exactly what the spear of destiny is, well it would be the brass tip of the spear that pierced the side of Jesus while he was dead and crucified upon the cross. Roman guards would pierce the side of those men crucified in order to drain the blood and ensure that the person was in fact dead, this was common practice. However the fact that it was the side of Christ made that particular spear more valuable than any other.

Hitler was a prominent member of the Thule society which in essence were a bunch of relic hunters and occultists who were into some dark things as well as some things that are just sort of out there like the hollow earth society. They took their teachings from psychics and cult leaders of the past as their doctrine and believed the possession of these relics would make them invincible. Hitler’s leader of the SS Henrich Himmler was one of the major players on this and sent out campaigns across the world to find such items.

Now its quite obvious that Hitler never was able to get his hands on this spear because well…he is dead and the Nazi regime is no more…well at least to the world power they once were. So where is this spear of destiny? Has anyone found it? The answer to both of those questions is yes it has been found ad it is currently sitting in the English Museum located in England. So does it posses the power it is said to? Nobody knows and as for it being the actual spear tip it is unconfirmed. Yes they have done some carbon dating and other experiments to check its validity, but its more of a word of mouth and a legend of lore with it being the one and only true spear tip.

I have had the privilege of being able to see it and it s simple rusted spear tip, but the story and history associated with it makes it more than just a rusty piece of metal. Whenever your in England I encourage you to check it out along with all the other antiquities they have collected over the years.

Be safe and splinters are religious,
John Cannon

Twitter: @JohnCannonTBS

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Human skin wallet!!! This ain’t Louis Vuitton!!!

Men and their wallets…some men have them and some shove all their money and business cards and worldly possessions into their pockets. Women have purses and men have wallets it’s a plain and simple fact unless you are a drag queen then that theory goes right out the window, but yet some women do have wallets within their purses so yet again I destroyed my own theory. I digress however…now women have tons and tons of choices for purses and their wallets and it is a fashion statement of epic proportions. They have Calen Klein, Louis Vuitton, Ed Hardy and so on and so on. The number of designers out there in the world for women’s fashion is unlimited. Yet when you get to men’s fashions there is not that much to chose from especially something to set yourself apart from the rest of the men out there. So what would you say to a wallet made of human skin, not alligator, ostrich, or cow leather, but actual 100% human skin??? Sound intriguing??? Now if you’re like me, which I pray to God you are not, then you would all about wanting to add this to your fashion accessories and imagine the talking point it would be in a conversation. So how does one get their hands on such a great piece of fashion??? Well let’s go back to where it all started…in New Jersey…what a shock on that one, huh???

In the town of Morristown, New Jersey around the year of 1833 there was a family named the Sayre’s. This family was a well to do family of the town and was well liked by all. Then a man by the name of Antoine Le Blanc arrived as an immigrant from France who took up menial jobs from the Sayre’s to make a living and have a place to stay. Now Le Blanc was from a well to do family in France and being the bottom of the totem pole and shoveling horse crap he considered to be well above his nature even though he came to the US with nothing in his name. He was pompous and arrogant and wanted to be the king of it all…please keep in mind he was from France so we really shouldn’t be that shocked at how he was acting. So Le Blanc decided he had enough and wanted it all for himself, again he IS French, and so he killed the entire Sayre family in order to get their land and money and prestige. Now he obliviously completely ignored that fact that the Sayre family were major players of the town and well liked so when they went missing obviously the town went looking for them only to find their butchered bodies. So without hesitation Le Blanc was rushed to the court house where he admitted to the crime while in jail and was promptly sentenced to death. The town wanted nothing more than to see Le Blanc die and have the most disgrace he could have possible. So they hung him and donated his body to the medical field where they would dissect and cut him apart and ultimately throw his body in a shallow grave. However he was not buried before they carved some skin from him, tanned it and then made wallets from it. Oh wait I forgot to mention they is wasn’t just wallets they made from his skin, but also lamp shades, purses and book jackets…see so the ladies could get some skin after all too, these items were considered to be “charming little keepsakes”.

Now to this day nobody knows where these “charming little keepsakes” of morbid curiosity have landed in life. Yet there IS one wallet still in existence located at the Morristown Historical Society…its is one of the human skin wallets. Now you cant just see this without appointment or permission, but Weird NJ did and TV show on this subject and the wallet just looks like a regular leather wallet that would have been made from a cow. However the story and the legend behind the wallet is what makes this such a value morbid curiosity.

There have been items made from human skin throughout history, but its usually by head hunter tribes in foreign countries. Well now I must step back a bit and, yes in America there have been items made from human skin, but those were usually made by serial killers who also ate their victims…such is the case with Ed Gein who happened to be the inspiration for Leatherface in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. So for “civilized” towns folk to take on the aspect of morbid curiosity creators, that sort of steps outside of the box of “normal” logic.

So if you’re ever in the market for a new wallet see if they have human skin, I would love to see the look on their face.

Be safe and just remember…skin to win,
John Cannon
Twitter: @JohnCannonTBS

Sunday, May 19, 2013

White Light Healing… Someone Call an Electrician.

You walk coolly into the Barnes and Nobles looking for that certain attention grabbing good read that you want to devote your time to. As you make your way past the small tables with books of the month and pass the bargain aisles you make your way back farther and farther. As you pass the True Crime and Science Fiction you happen to discover the New Age section. How fitting is it that this should be in the same area of True Crime and Science Fiction? I will admit this to you all before I get started, that I visit this section each and every time I go into a book store. I have been buying books from this section for years and been researching/studying everything I could, that was dedicated to this particular book section. I am absolutely fascinated by New Age Phenomena and books that are written about it.

While I was examining the spines of the books and what they were about, I found one called White Light Healing. Now I am not new to this concept, but I am however more of a skeptic now than I had previously been in the past. I talked to a number of “white light” healers and some have been intriguing and some have been down right scam artists. You see the topic of “white light healing” is very easily faked and easy to cover up just as well. Am I going to make some people angry with this little blog of mine, you’re damn right I am, but am I going to make some people put their skills to the test and prove I am wrong…I would hope so.

I thumbed through the book on “white light healing” and it was very confusing, read like stereo instructions in my honest opinion. So I decided to do some more research to get a better grasp on what they were trying to convince me. Now they talk about envisioning white light pouring over you or out of something and flowing freely like water in fact one quote is this, “…breathing in the pure white light, seeing it streaming down into your chest, and breathing out the grey…in with the white and pure…out with the grey, the old, and the worn…” This is some crazy tree hugging stuff right here my friend, in with the good air out with the bad, isn’t this from a CPR class or something?

Now if this is a form of meditation, which I think it is from what I have gathered, then why not just say it as that. Don’t say it’s “white light healing” when there is literally no white light involved or healing for that matter. If light was involved then we would be hanging Christmas lights or light bulbs over our heads, heck you could pull the ol’ eating a light bulb carney trick and replace that whole apple a day thing.

There doesn’t need to be some overly complicated series of instructions to teach people how to meditate and then call it some sort of “healing”. I could easily go up to someone who is full of anxiety and angst, say to them take a couple deep breaths and relax. Oh wait we all pretty much do that now, so why connect it with some sort of healing?

I can easily open up a store front, hang some awesome new age decorations and charge tons of cash for people to come to me and tell them to breath deep and relax thus resulting in them being healed. Of course if they go away and aren’t healed then I can easily say, “well you didn’t believe in mother earth and her Keebler elves of light healing so its your fault,” Yeah I can totally do that however I never would because I have way too much of a conscience, despite what people say, to do that. Yet there are people who are doing this, and I’m not talking about the people who do it because they believe in it, I’m talking about the people who are doing it because they are scams and cheats…and there are a lot of them.

In my travels around the world I have met many, many people who claim to have “white light healing” powers…superman had powers…you have a belief. Now I will admit I have met some people I would give a second though to in their abilities with stuff, but that’s like one out of a thousand people I meet in this realm. If people want to believe that this heals them then I am completely down with that, the placebo effect is a tried and true method to help many people overcome things. If you don’t know what that is then it is simply this, if you tell someone this red crystal like candy will heal them and if they believe it will work then it will work for them even though all it was is a simple watermelon jolly rancher.

Let’s call this “white light healing” what it really is…meditational deep breathing in order to help you relax and feel better. If you can prove to me rationally and scientifically that “white light healing” does in fact have some merit behind it then I am all ears and willing to retract what I have stated, but every time I make the challenge no one steps up to the plate, so I doubt anyone will at this point in time. As for taking classes to “perform”, and I say “perform” because it is a performance and not actually real, this ability for “white light healing” then I would love to see your course syllabus and explain to me how that scam works.

Be safe and we’ll leave the light on for ya,

Jon Bolton

Ghost Equipment…Adapt, Improvise & Overcome

Adapt, Improvise & Overcome is a motto generally assigned to the United States Marine Corp and they are by far the best at living up to this motto. They have accepted this motto because they generally aren’t given the funding as the other three braches and seem to get the hand-me-downs of weaponry and technology yet they use it better than the original armed force it was intended for. They are the masters of adaptation, improvisation and the ability to overcome any and all that is placed in front of them. Now by no means am I about to put Ghost Hunting and the outstanding US Marine corps in the same category, but I merely wanted you to know the origin and reason behind such a motto. Now onto why I used it to discuss Ghost Hunting and the equipment they (we) use for paranormal investigations.

In the realm of Ghost Hunting there is no equipment truly designed to catching, finding or discovering ghostly apparitions. All equipment is based off of loose understanding of what a paranormal entity is supposed to be. We use such equipment as K2, EMF, Digital Recorder or even FLIR Cameras to help us find those which we consider to create paranormal events. My question is why and how did we get to this point? I have talked with many a ghost hunter and have even e-mail some of the more popular TV shows about getting answers to some of the most basic of questions. The responses to these questions however are always the same or no response back from the e-mails. The responses are that this is how it is yet when I ask for more in depth to see if they know the reasoning why it’s because they have bought into the TV shows and their methodology.

I have been and continue to do research into the paranormal and find out answers to the basic of questions that nobody really knows why. I will try experiments to prove or disprove something…that’s what science is all about. Do ghosts really emit energy and draw energy out of the air to manifest? Why do ghost that appear as warm on a FLIR always leave cold spots which should register as dark colors? How do we know that digital recorders are truly reliable in capturing EVP when it could be something else? How do we conclude something is paranormal when it could be a simple environmental anomaly? These are the questions that I have no found a good answer on from anyone including those on the TV shows that I have had the privilege of talking with.

Now I am by no means a saint in this category as I have a number of pelican cases full of different types of equipment for experiments. I have bought some that was said to be built just for ghost hunting, but really is it? We are taking everyday equipment used for logical purposes and attempting to use it for something nobody understands. The paranormal can be a science as long as people treat it as such, don’t be so willing to give into the modern trend of what TV shows tell you. If you have a doubt, then experiment it until there is nothing left, but true evidence. Think outside of the box and research because it may be something very simple that you’re missing.

Be safe and try coloring outside the lines for once,

Jon Bolton

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hungry Ghost???....Try an all you can eat Chinese buffet.

In the land of the rising sun, China for those of you who have no clue what I was talking about for a minute, there is a festival that has taken place for hundreds of years. In a society/culture/belief of China there stands to be quite a number of supernatural and spiritual festivals that take place. One such festival is called the Hungry Ghost Festival which is celebrated on the 15th month of the 7th lunar month…yeah I tried finding that one on the calendar too, if you find it let me know.

Actually on the the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month in Chineese tradition. This is the time when the ghosts of the deceased come out fomr the lower realm and walk amongst the living. The people would make altars flled with food or fake money in order to appease those who have past on and to appease the Gods of those past on who may not have been good people. Sometimes they make small boats filled with lanterns and then are floated on the river which helps to give the dead direction as where t go. There are many ways to celebrate this holiday so long as it appeases the deceased.

Can you imagnie a scheduled day when the gates of Heaven and Hell would both opena dn converse amongst the living. I don’t know about you, but the imagery of Ghostbusters after the containment grid was shut down comes to mind when the ghost are running all over the place. To hold a concert and the first five rows are empty becayuse they are reserved for the dead? This may see pretty “backwoodsish” yet this is what they believe, this is mainly based within the Budhist Taoists religion of the far east.

Now this isnt just a Chinese celebration, this festival or ones like it are also celebrated in places such as  Japan, Singapore, Vietnam and Taiwan. The middle eastern culture tend to be more aware of the dead and while they mounr just as we do in the western world they however see to hold onto their loved ones and pay much more respect for them not only in the living form but in the spiritual form as well.

The Hungry Ghost Festival is just one of many wasy the asian culture embraces the after life and which leads me to wonder why there aren’t more asian ghost hunting groups within the country. I guess one may never know.

Be safe and have an eggroll,

Jon Bolton

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Rapture is coming… Thank You Chicken Little

The Rapture conjurors up visions of hell on earth and things happening in biblical proportions; to quote Dr. Peter Venkman “Dogs and Cats living together, mass hysteria.” The Rapture is believed to be by many the day when Jesus will call the chosen up to Heaven with him, they will all just disappear and be in heaven while leaving the rest of the world to hopefully get onto the next wave of ascension or be blinked out of existence for the rest of eternity to never be thought of again, pretty scary/creepy no matter how you look at it.

Now why am I brining up the whole Rapture topic, well on May 21sr, 2011 the Rapture is supposedly going to take place. That’s right folks the Rapture is about to happen and you can’t stop it, so run up those credit card bills because you won’t have to pay them off, so long as this date is correct…which it isn’t. That’s right, there is no way this can be accurate, I say this for a number of reasons and not just because I’m selfish and want to see the entire season of Mythbusters before the Rapture happens.

Let’s look at the most convincing evidence of them all, in the bible, Matthew to be exact, it states: Matthew 24:36: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only" Now to me it would seem nobody really knows when the Rapture is supposed to take place, not even Jesus himself and last time I checked he and God were pretty tight with one another. So if not even Jesus knows the date then how in the world can we? The answer is that we can’t known and won’t know until the day it happens, plain and simple.

Now there have also been quite a number of Rapture dates through out history, some dating as far back as March 21st, 1844 and even dates predicted as far into the future as 2060, which was calculated by Sir Isaac Newton. These dates are based off the biblical time line of events presented to us through the good book. I also hate to be the bearer of bad news, but trying to figure out exact time lines in the bible is pretty much impossible, the calendar is not the same as it was back then. Many scholars have tried with great effort to figure out true dates and times within the bible and each time there are so many different answers because most of the things are based on interpretations as to when the events actually occurred.

Now the May21st Rapture has been pushed really hard by Harold Camping who is the president of Family Stations, Inc. which is a religious based radio broadcast company. He has been criticized for his teachings and this Rapture date for a number of years. May I also add that this is the 3rd or 4th Rapture date he has come up with over the years, so as each one passes he revises his statement with quoting miscalculation on his part. Do I care really if he says the Rapture will happen on a certain date at a certain time? No I do not, however I do mind if people start to really buy into and in the process hurt themselves and others. His group has been compare to the Branch Dividian incident involving David Koresh and the Heaven’s Gate group, which if we all remember how these two groups ended it wasn’t good.

I am not saying you can’t have opinions and speculations as to the time and date of the Rapture, but make sure express it is presented as such. If you start to predict the future end of the world then in essence you are going against the teaching of the Bible. The Bible wants us to be kind and good to our fellow man/woman, not to work them up into a anxiety filled stressful frenzy based upon a date and time you made up just to try and prove how “Godly” you are. Just be good and just enjoy life while helping out where you can along the way, that’s the true message when you boil it all down. Take what is said with a grain of salt and do your own research and draw your own opinions because you may find out more about yourself than you realized.

Be safe and be happy; it’s the best way to make it though life,

Jon Bolton


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Carbon County Jail…the handprint that wouldn’t go away.

Legends, lore and curses surround many paranormal and supernatural phenomena and stories of the past. From glowing tombstones to patches of grass that won’t grow on the a grave to bloodstains that will never wash away all are connected to a death of the unjustly accused and either killed to hide something or killed while they were proclaiming their innocence. These stories have been around for many years and in fact I am sure we must have heard stories such as these around camp fires or in books of strange but true stories. This is simply just one of those type of stories that involve a man, a crime he didn’t commit and a type of curse to prove his innocence for all eternity.

Located in the mountains of Pennsylvania there is a small little town called Jim Thorpe. This town as small as it is, is very buys now a days with the upper class establishing it as the best place to be and the local wineries given the upper crust snobs a place in the mountains to call their own. Now I enjoy going to Jim Thorpe because it is peacefully and actually very relaxing. There is a small little bar there called Molly Maguire’s where you can get a pint of Guinness and a fantastic crab dip. Now through all the stores and tourist traps up there, there is a old run down jail known as the Carbon County Jail that boasts a story of innocence and cursed legend. You see there is a hand on the wall of one of the cells that will never go away.

In the 1800’s a group of local Irish coal miners known as the Molly Maguire’s were imprisoned here because of false accusations of the wealthy and powerful to remove them and claim the mines for their own profit and greed, it was very union based as well. This group that was currently imprisoned at the Carbon County Prison at the time included a man who stated over and over again that he was innocent of all charges that had been filed against him by the untrustworthy wealthy and lying fellow prisoners, who had testified just so they could be released whether their accusations were true or not. This man was named Alexander Campbell was on 1877 was sentenced to “hang from his neck until dead”. As Alexander was being led away from his prison cell he placed his hand on the wall and stated that his hand print shall remain there for all eternity no matter what, he was then hanged only a few minutes later.

Now while Alexander’s life had ended, his curse/legend and his handprint had just begun for his handprint had in fact remained there and would continue to remain there to this very day.

You can take a tour of the prison and see this handprint on the wall, this handprint to mark the innocence of a man unjustly hung, with your very own eyes. Now the story goes that the prison has tried to paint over it, wash it away and even tear down the wall and build a new one, but to no avail the hand print returns each and every time. Now there are other fanciful ghost stories connected to the prison, but none such as the handprint.

Do I believe that this handprint legend to be true??? To be honest Im not sure, I would love to have a team of actual scientists investigate the handprint to see if there is any basis behind the legend. Could the stone itself be able to hold the oils from the hand like a photography, but then since the wall had supposedly been replaced could it just be a fake in order to keep the tourists and legend of the Molly Maguire’s alive. It’s a good story and the town of Jim Thorpe is a good one to visit to get a way and you can enjoy the local Ghost Tour as well.

Be safe and remember that finger painting is always fun,

John Cannon

Follow me on twitter  @JohnCannonTBS for up-to-date randomness and odd crazy adventures I have along the way.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sea Monsters of the Lake… Not Just for Oceans Anymore.

There are many stories of monsters that roam the seven seas as told by the sailors who venture out in those waters. The tales of mega sharks, giant squid, mermaids and even temptress sirens of the sea that date all the way back to Homer’s Iliad and the Odyssey. The sea is a vast amount of water and is not easily explored both on the surface and most especially below. Most of the world’s oceans have yet to be explored and identified and that’s just the surface if we go below then there might just in fact be those sea monsters of legend and lore. Now that makes total and complete sense for the oceans of the world, but what about lakes?

It seas that lakes go through the same amount of legend and lore in relation to sea monsters as the oceans do. Through out the world there are reports of many lake monsters. Some of these lake monsters are more famous than others, but they still all come down to the same thing, monsters in a lake.

Some of the most commonly known lake monsters are tow in particular one being the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland and then Champ located in Lake Champlain near New York. Loch Ness is truly the granddaddy of all lake monsters and thrives in tourism just from its legendary status. Now there have been expeditions of the lake to try and hunt down the elusive creature. If you look at all the experiments that have taken place to find the Loch Ness Monsters I think you would have to agree that the chances of us finding something in there is slim to none. Well through all the experiments they have found nothing, and people to this day are still spotting the great lake monster. Could all these people be lying or could their eyes be playing tricks on them? In a world where everyone wants that 15 minutes of fame I would venture to guess that a fair bit of them are lying and the rest have seen something that looked odd, but can easily be explained.

A lesser known lake monster is that located in Pennsylvania and is billed as PAs own loch ness monster. The lake is located in Raystown Pennsylvania and in the Raystown lake is said to exist a lake monster. Now being from PA I am particularly drawn to this because there haven’t been all that many sightings and they are all fairly recent. Now being the scuba diver that I am would love to venture into the lake and take a look for myself, but I highly doubt I would find anything.

The exploration of lake and the eco system that live within them should be a fairly easy task to accomplish. So long as there are no rivers or underwater lines to other bodies of water there should be no reason why we couldn’t drop a side-scan sonar, comb the lake and find these supposed monsters? One reason is because nobody wants to waste the time, effort and money on such an expedition because it is chasing a legend that doesn’t exist. Are there things living in lakes that people don’t know about? Sure there are and we find things everyday but if we can find the smallest of items in a lake then why wouldn’t we be able to find a giant lake monster? Do you think the lake monster is smarter than us and messing with us? If you do then I feel bad for you, there are no such things as lake monsters as for sea monsters I would be willing to believe that much more easily.

Be safe and don’t feed the lake monsters,

Jon Bolton @JohnCannonTBS

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Labyrinth…was it bull(aka Minotaur)???

When you were a young child did you ever take graph paper and create your own maze on it??? Did you enjoy doing the mazes found in random children’s magazines??? Have you ever spent a good amount of time getting lost in a corn maze around the fall season of Halloween??? I know I am guilty of all three of these things. I remember doing the mazes and having to erase the pencil lines I drew because I ran into a wall and then had to retrace my path till I found the correct route through…because somehow it mattered if I erased the incorrect lines, but I know I wasn’t the only one guilty of this. So we are all aware of mazes and in fact most video games are just a giant maze in which you have to make it through without getting killed by whatever evil presence there is. Again, we are very familiar with what a maze is and we have all had some sort of a run in with them. Oh and apparently there is a dispute as to what the difference between a maze and a labyrinth, but we will call it a maze because my spell check hates when I try and spell labyrinth.

Now picture being in a maze, a real life maze, made of stone that stretched for as far as the eye could see, in fact you were put in this maze to prove your innocence or courage. Ok no big deal, I mean what could be so bad about it. Other than the maze being made of concrete and not corn and being very long so you could possibly get hungry or thirsty during the event what else and how bad could it be. Well how about if there was a monster in the maze that was half man and have bull called a Minotaur and its only goal was to kill you and eat you…yeah now sort of sounds something like its out of the Running Man.

This myth of a labyrinth and Minotaur is from Greek and Roman mythology. Mythology is full of fanciful tales to help explain the unexplainable and to show the trials and tribulations of common man in regards to the Gods above. This maze of death was commissioned by the King of Minos and it held his Minotaur which ultimately within mythology was killed by a man named Theseus.

So there is your quick cliff note version of the labyrinth, now what if I were to tell you that this may not be a myth after all??? What if I were to tell you that this great large labyrinth was in fact a real and genuine place??? There have been four ancient labyrinths discovered located in Cretan, Egypt, Lemnian and Italy. The labyrinth in question that was said to hold the minotaur was the Cretan labyrinth. Now we know for a fact that this labyrinth existed, we know for a fact that King Minos had it constructed..so now what about the Minotaur???

Well the story is that King Minos pissed off the God of the Sea Neptune, yeah never do that, so Neptune then had the king’s wife sleep with a savage bull which in turn she then bore the Miotaur…way to go beastiality. So the labyrinth was created to house the half man half bull and thus is the story. So is there any truth to a half man half bull creature running around a psychotic concrete maze eating people and was the result of a pissed off God??? If you seriously asked yourself that question then slam your head into the wall. Of course there is no such thing to have ever existed. Hell you might as well say that there was a Bigfoot running around the maze…damn now cryptozoologists are going to be claiming that now, Im sure I’ll be seeing that on Searching for Bigfoot soon. You see the reason for the bull theory was that there were a number of artifacts found with bulls paint on them and one of the famous ones of a man jumping over a bull…try and pull that one off you rodeo clowns. Now I enjoy watching pro bull riding and I couldn’t imagine a thinking pissed of savage bull coming at me, try and ride that one for 8 seconds you cowboys.

This story as fanciful as it is, is just that…it is a story. Would I love to see evidence of a half man half bull that ran around killing people n some giant labyrinth…you’re damn right I would, but unfortunately it never existed. It all stems to people creating stories t scare one another and I would definitely consider this to be one of the original “campfire horror stories” that people would tell.

Be safe and if you mess with the bull you’ll get the horns,
John Cannon

Follow me @JohnCannonTBS for up to date writings and ramblings

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Psychic Surgery…as quack as quack can be

Medical doctors go through years of training, years of studying, years of tests and trials in order to be called a doctor…they also have giant bills from their schooling to pay back. Now this is just to be considered a medical doctor and this doesn’t count the extended number of years in which these men and women study to be experts in their profession of expertise as well. These people train very hard and very diligently, especially those who ultimately become a type of surgeon within their field. They must practice on cadavers and mannequins, they must know the proper technique in which to surgically and precisely cut into a patient while holding the scalpel carefully and accurately so in order not to do more damage then they intended to do while making the incision.

Once these trained people have made the incision they begin to precisely and accurately explore through the human body looking for the item they are looking for. They could be looking for a tumor, a ruptured appendix, a hernia…any part of the internal human body that is not working as the way it should and that only surgery and the removal or fixing could help the patient survive and live another day. Surgery should only be performed by those people who are trained…those people who know the human body…those people who know what they are looking for…those people who know how to fix and cure what they are looking for within the human body.

With having said all that and talking the importance of surgery and the skill and craft and training in which doctors, both men and women, must go through I now want you to look at psychic surgery.
Psychic surgery has been around for many years and its first documented occurrence being that of the mid 1900’s. It was said to have become evident of the spiritual community within the Philippines and Brazil and then it began to creep across the world.

The basis of psychic surgery is for the person or “patient” to have a strong spiritual faith in what the so  called doctor was doing and to have faith and believe the “doctors” hands were being led by God to search out and remove or fix the afflicted area within the human body. The basic principal is that the patient lays on a table in the room and the “doctor” preps by washing the area with iodine and washing his hands like that of a normal surgery prep…now this is where it stops being anything legitimate, well that and the fact that the room in which they are conducting this quack science is not sterile in any capacity. Now the “doctor” places his hands on the patient and presses down only to have blood and the disappearance of the doctors hands supposedly into their body. The hands then reemerge with bits of tissue or organ covered in blood. The “doctor” then rubs the area with water and the area is clean and clear of any incision or damage from the “doctors” hands. See to good to be true that the “doctor” simply puts his hands into the body of a person and pulls the bad parts out…well then you would be correct because this is total and complete 100% bullshit.

Psychic surgery is nothing more than a cheap magic trick of sleight-of-hand conjured up to prey on those people of weak mind to believe such crap. Now I don’t really blame the people who goes to these quacks, they are looking for cures, they have a disease and their back is against the wall…they are scared and don’t know where else to turn except to faith…and there is nothing wrong with that. What I do have a problem with is the people spewing such false prophesies of healing and surgery. In fact Andy Kauffman fell victim to this and ultimately died because of his belief in a quack psychic surgeon who claimed to have removed the cancer from his body. The Amazing Randi has discredited these people time and time again along with other magicians and those people who wish to protect the innocent. These psychic surgery quacks need to be shut down and put out of business as well as face some sort of criminal mischief charge while being fined so bad they can barely rub two nickels together.

Am I to harsh in my opinion and statement??? I doubt it… if you saw innocent people being taken of their money and ultimately dying because of these quacks I think you would feel the same.

So don’t believe these people, seek true medical help for your illnesses. Now I am a huge fan of holistic medicine and natural healing, but when it comes to something serious please consult a doctor.

Be safe and don’t give into quacks,

John Cannon

Follow me @JohnCannonTBS for more randomness

Monday, January 21, 2013

Beneath Loch Ness…a story of a loch and a monster

The story of the Loch Ness Monster is one I am sure we have all heard about at some point in our lives unless you were just born or have lived under a rock for your life which then I will write a blog about you because to live under a rock your entire life is pretty damn interesting. So there have been numerous stories in print and a number of documentaries produced about the lake and the monster that supposedly dwells in its dark murky waters. The legend has been around for many many years and even the infamous photo taken that really sparked the interest was proven to be a forgery as admitted to on a death bed admission.

In all of this there really hasn’t been a movie let alone a horror movie made about the infamous monster of the loch…surprising the Syfy hasn’t done one considering they have done movies about stuff that have no basis of reality aka octo-shark. Seriously Im surprised they haven’t done one and put a bunch of former 80’s stars in it like the entire cats of Saved By The Bell…now that would be funny to see Screech eaten by the loch ness monster. Considering they made one where Alice Cooper gets smashed by Bigfoot its not a farfetched idea.

So I stumbled upon the movie called Beneath Loch Ness about a research team and they happen to discuss the existence of the monster Nessie. And this may be off topic but since the Loch is located in Scotland why is it every single accent sounds like its Irish and not Scottish…oh well. Now a series of events have been occurring in the town that surrounds the Loch and a TV channel is coming to do a documentary about the lake as well….oh and the towns people hate the research scientists who are seeking out the legendary creature and want them to leave.

So as the movie continues on its merry way we discover that the Loch Ness Monster is in fact spawning and the loch is a pre-historic spawning ground. And of course they try to alert the authorities to close the loch however its tourist season and wont close the loch…hmmmm Jaws plot line anyone??? So its not a matter of time for the researchers to find Nessie and do whatever it is to prove to the people the legend is real. So eventually a scientist gets stuck in the breading cave of Nessie and well Ill let you watch the rest to finish the end of this story.

The movie wasn’t all that bad and the special effects were pretty good as well. If I had to give this a rating I would give it a 3 out of 5 star rating just because it was a good watch and didn’t have to think too much about it. So check it out on Netflix and relax and enjoy the legend hunting movie watching experience.

Be safe and some legends are real,

John Cannon

Follow me on twitter @JohnCannonTBS