Monday, July 22, 2013

Glass Pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle…that’s a new one…sort of.

The ever popular phrase or words of wisdom spoken to those who judge and ridicule people as a learning lesson…those who live in glass house shouldn’t throw stones. Well this has absolutely nothing to do with this motivational parable to better one self. This does however have everything to deal with a story I had heard about a month ago. I was eating lunch with some friends and the words spoken were “Hey you like this weird stuff in the world” My friends know me oh so well…because the answer would be yes…yes I do. They went on to tell me about a story they had recently heard about that I did not hear about which is abnormal for me, but Im allowed off my game every now and then I suppose. The story was about glass like pyramids that were recently discovered through satellite pictures…give it up for Google Earth. I was intrigued so I wanted to know more, I figured how did they miss these glass like pyramids in Egypt I mean of all things made out of glass no less. However I would be wrong in my location as my friend proceeded to inform me they were discovered in the Bermuda Triangle…missed it by this much, a reference for all you Get Smart fans out there.

It would appear that a number of countries have been conducting sonar experimentation of oceanagraphic  levels all centralized within the Bermuda Triangle area. Why are these countries focusing on this area, well it could be for a number of reasons, but this isn’t about their science experiments and more of their discovery of the weird and bizarre. Besides Im sure what they are really doing will somehow wind up on Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory soon enough…I love that show.

Located about 2000 meters below the surface of the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle is located a strange structure that looks and in fact is a pyramid like structure. The structure appears to be about 200 meters tall with a diameter of 300 meters on each side…oh and its made of a glass-like material possibly quartz or in fact glass itself, it is still undetermined at this point in time. In a size relation it is bigger than the pyramids located in Egypt. It is determined however to be odd and unusual and the theories of how it got there and what purpose it serves is running rampant on a number of levels.

Now situated on the top of this pyramid are two holes which magnify the current of the water causing a vortex, mist and violent waves on the surface above. Now doesn’t that sound a bit familiar? Think back to all the stories of the boats that disappear within the dreaded Bermuda Triangle...they have all talked about rogue waves and strange mists…and who knows with the unexplained power of the pyramids it could possibly mess with the navigation controls/compass of the ships. Now that doesn’t explain the airplanes that disappeared within the Bermuda Triangle, but that is for another time…and who knows it may time in at a later date.

The theories are abundant with the origin of the glass pyramid at the ocean floor. Some believe the pyramid was constructed on land and then through either Pangaea or regular earthquakes may have shifted it into the ocean to its current location. Some believe it to be a part of the great theory of the city of Atlantis and that this pyramid could in fact be the gateway to the hidden sunken city…not quite sure I believe this one, but I would love if it were true…just saying.

Now I know what you’re thinking…maybe I don’t, but I am going to pretend I do for the sake of this blog. You’re thinking WOW how crazy is this I wonder if there are other glass/crystal style pyramids located at the bottom of the ocean sort of like the crystal skulls of Indian Jones fame and the fake end of the world propaganda. The answer to your thought provoking question would be yes…yes there have been a number of other pyramids found before these were, oh and these pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle were found once before by a scuba diver back in 1968.

Now I could get into all the theories of the powers that these mysterious glass like underwater pyramids possess, but I would need a lot more time and a lot more energy to deal with them all. From the writings and beliefs of the pyramid power to the crystal like connection with the crystal skulls there are just far too many of them to try and write out and tear apart individually. Maybe if I get bored and don’t feel like banging my head straight into a brick wall I might write those one day, but today is not that day.

Is it pretty cool to have found these glass like pyramids located within the Bermuda Triangle? The answer would be damn right it is, I know I was intrigued about it from the moment my friend told me about it. Would I love for at least one of these crazy wacky theories of pyramid power to actually work…the answer again would be yes I would, but alas there is no true hard evidence of its existence.

Maybe as I get older I lose more and more of my desire to care about crazy wacky stories like I had in my youth. Maybe they all seem to be the same exact long stretch of the truth to make it something that it is not. Naaaaa, I still love learning about the weird and bizarre, but they do all seem to be repeating the same old story line anymore, I just wish people would stop grasping and straws and grasp more at the truth…oh well.

Be safe and watch out for those pesky pyramids,

John Cannon

Twitter: @JohnCannonTBS

The Spear of Destiny…one relic Hitler would have loved to acquire.

Holy relics…the relics that any and all archeologist, antique dealer &/or psychopathic madman or woman, lets be pc on this one, would want to get their hands on. Sure relics of the past are a huge market especially on the black market. Hell there is massive amounts of money given each day for the real things as well as forgeries and fakes. Which I guess a forgery is a fake so why do people usually say the two together? It doesn’t matter, but what does matter is that ancient holy relics have been sought after since after the death of Christ. Sure Egyptian and Chinese and ancient English relics are by far among the top of those those relics sought after, but ancient holy relics far surpass those.

So what types of ancient holy relics are there, well Im glad you asked…ok you might not have asked, but for literary sake I am saying you asked so just keep reading. Soon after the crucifixion and death of Christ it was said that any relic associated with him or his stories of miracles throughout the bible would bring a wide range of powers to those who possessed them. These weren’t just limited to Jesus, but a good majority of them were.  Spilnters from the cross, nails that were driven through him, the ark of the covenant, the holy grail and so on and so on, the list keeps going and going and growing and growing.

It is said that if you took at the supposed splinters if the cross and put them together that it would total around 50 crosses. Why is this you might wonder? Well because back in the day fakes were more rampant then they are now a days. However there is one holy relic that was sought for by one of the most psychotic madmen to have ever lived…so far. That man would be Hitler and that holy relic would be the spear of destiny. It is said that whomever possess the spear of destiny will have unlimited power and everlasting life. That’s right who ever has that spear can never die and have power that rivals that of God himself. Wow…can you imagine that? Hitler could.

For those who do not know exactly what the spear of destiny is, well it would be the brass tip of the spear that pierced the side of Jesus while he was dead and crucified upon the cross. Roman guards would pierce the side of those men crucified in order to drain the blood and ensure that the person was in fact dead, this was common practice. However the fact that it was the side of Christ made that particular spear more valuable than any other.

Hitler was a prominent member of the Thule society which in essence were a bunch of relic hunters and occultists who were into some dark things as well as some things that are just sort of out there like the hollow earth society. They took their teachings from psychics and cult leaders of the past as their doctrine and believed the possession of these relics would make them invincible. Hitler’s leader of the SS Henrich Himmler was one of the major players on this and sent out campaigns across the world to find such items.

Now its quite obvious that Hitler never was able to get his hands on this spear because well…he is dead and the Nazi regime is no more…well at least to the world power they once were. So where is this spear of destiny? Has anyone found it? The answer to both of those questions is yes it has been found ad it is currently sitting in the English Museum located in England. So does it posses the power it is said to? Nobody knows and as for it being the actual spear tip it is unconfirmed. Yes they have done some carbon dating and other experiments to check its validity, but its more of a word of mouth and a legend of lore with it being the one and only true spear tip.

I have had the privilege of being able to see it and it s simple rusted spear tip, but the story and history associated with it makes it more than just a rusty piece of metal. Whenever your in England I encourage you to check it out along with all the other antiquities they have collected over the years.

Be safe and splinters are religious,
John Cannon

Twitter: @JohnCannonTBS