Jack Kirby the king of comics…the man who is credited with
being second to only Stan Lee, in fact these two great comic creators were a
team of epic proportions. They made what comic books are today and were…they
single handedly made comics the icon fashion for ages and ages to come even
after both are gone the way of the Do-do. However I am not here to completely
nerd out and talk only about comic books and their creators…well except for
Jack Kirby and how he single handedly saved a group of American diplomats stranded
over in Tehran, Ian during the whole crazy 1979 Iran hostage crisis. What you didn’t
know Jack Kirby did that??? You thought it was Ben Affleck??? You thought it
was the American CIA??? Well sit right back and I’ll tell you a tale a tale of
a man who had a dream and that dream saved 6 hostages during a horrible time of

Science Fiction Land is the true story behind the Argo movie…in
fact without Jack Kirby there would be no Argo. And if there were no Jack Kirby 6 us hostages
may be dead to this dead…however that thankfully did not happen. You see Jack
Kirby was working with a group of people to create a science fiction themed Disney
land style of park called Science Fiction Land. The production and designs of
the park were well in full swing until people started getting arrested for
money issues and other mysterious accusations. Jack Kirby thankfully was not
part of this witch hunt style of prosecuting like other members in his group,
however he wouldn’t also know what role this unfinished and dead before started
project he had designed would play in heroic nature.
So during the 70’s we were not the best of friends with Iran…not
really sure who was expect for creepy terrorists, but American was essentially
at war with Iran without it being declared. Now Iran was all about taking
Americans Hostage and killing them and using them as bargaining chips against
the US and their actions against Iran. Well just like in the movie Argo 6 American
diplomats are taken hostage by the Iranians and it is up the US CIA to get them
out alive. Well how could they accomplish a feet such as this without
themselves being taken as hostages…simple…pose as a Canadian Film crew in order to sneak in and get them out. The
problem the CIA faced next was they had to create an entire film and promote it
and put everything forth as if in fact it was a legitimate movie, they even
went as far as to cast actors and real directors and producers, but the big
problem was what do the call it…what will their movie be about??? How about a
science fiction movie??? How about we just lock everyone up connected with this
theme park called science fiction land and steal the idea and there is nothing they
can do about it because we are the freakin CIA. Now you know why I mentioned
earlier that they were locked up and under mysterious accusations.
So as we all know, spoiler alert, that the plan did in fact
work and the hostages got out thanks to the ever courageous CIA who just did no
work and stole from other peoples ideas…naaa our government would never do something
like that would they???
Well so there you have it, Jack Kirby was a true American patriot
in rescuing American diplomats in a troublesome era with Iran. The only problem
with it is that nobody ever knew about it till years later after declassified
papers were released under the freedom of information act. One man however
wanted the story to be known, he wanted to make sure people got the true story
behind the movie Argo and gave patriotic credit to the true men who deserved
it, this man is named Judd Ehrlich. He started his crusade to make this movie a
long time ago and I had the fortunate pleasure of meeting with him and
conducting an interview for his movie at the 2012 New York Comicon. He is
absolutely passionate about this film and making sure the truth gets out and
the world knows that Jack Kirby and others were more than just comic book
creators and builders and designers, but actually patriotic Americans in the
truest sense of the fashion. The best thing of all is that he finally got the
funding for the movie and it is now on its way to being created and released for
all to see. I highly recommend you do some research on this story, but mainly
and foremost make sure you check out and watch the movie Science Fiction Land.
This documentary will bring out the truth and Judd will make sure you aren’t disappointed.
Be safe and stand proud to be an American,
Jon Bolton (@JohnCannonTBS)
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