fountain of youth is said to be just as it states, a fountain with water
pouring from the ground that grants eternal youth and immortality. Those two
traits alone have caused many explorers to waste vast amounts of time, money
and energy upon the conquest to find such a spring of life.

is Florida the location for the legend of the fountain of youth? Well this is where
Ponce de Leon first landed when exploring the Americas. How the legend of the
fountain of youth became associated with Ponce de Leon is a mystery though.
There are no records of him actually taking an expedition to find the spring of
life in any of his writings. The only thing that could be loosely tied to the
story I that it was said Pone de Leon was looking for the healing waters of
Bimini in order to cure his impotence, well if that’s not a good reason to find
the fountain of life I don’t know what is. So when Ponce de Leon landed in
Florida it must have been because he though the healing life water was in fact
there and not in Bimini, it’s a stretch I know.

is said to b the real location of the healing waters of life yet there still is
no exact location and no one to this day has found said waters. Of course if
you found it would you want the world to know about it? The fountain of youth
in my eyes is simply a story/legend because of people’s own fixation with
wanting to be eternally youthful and never wanting to face ones own mortality.
These are people who don’t want to experience life to its fullest, but rather
hold on to the past and glory days of their youth. Just remember you can never
go back so make the most of it now.
Be safe and explore life not legends,
Jon Bolton