are those people out there who grow to such heights that even the tallest of
basketball players seem to be short. The occurrence of such genetic anomalies
is rare and because of that they are very well recorded. Yet there was a time
in history when it was reported that there were a great tribe of giants nine
foot plus that roamed the land. The land in particular was in the European area
and not really North America.

have always had a place in history not only from the bible, but also in
mythology such as with the Cyclops and even the Gods themselves were giants,
and we cannot forget about atlas who carried the world on his shoulders. The
fascination with them is a bit mysterious or it could be the sideshow aspect
that we like to stare at something we do not understand.
fact the fascination with giants is such a draw and profitable draw that PT
Barnum had a giant skeleton fashioned in order to claim its authenticity. His
giant, over ten foot tall, was fashioned after the Cardiff giant, which too was
a great hoax in and of itself. People from all over the world would come to
stare at the preserved bones of this giant man who once walked the earth.

either case it is left up to you for debate as you can draw your own conclusion
whether or not these giants were and are real. I would like to think that there
was a tribe of giants many years ago because it just further makes the history
of the world that much more unique. How and why were they that tall? Were they
stronger and smarter? Who knows for sure, but it is something to ponder.
Be safe and remember not all giants are gentle,
Jon Bolton
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