There are some people out in the UFO community that believe
the cultures of Egypt, Mexico, China and others around the world were heavily
influenced by aliens from outer space. This is such an arrogant and egotistical
approach to looking at our past that it drives me up a wall. Now let me state
that I am fascinated by aliens and the possibility of their “existence”, but I
have to look at this in an approach that makes sense logically. I would be and
willing to believe that aliens exist, but let’s not try and discredit the past
of advanced ancient civilizations just because we don’t understand them.

Let’s start at the beginning of recognized aviation history.
The first official recognition of aviation began with Leonard Davinci and his
flying models and drawings that he created around the 15th century.
We can even go back farther to 200 BC in China when they are first recognized
as using kites for military purposes, and last time I checked…kites fly. After
the Leonardo Davinic era, man had been pursuing to fly as the birds did till we
came to a balloon created by men in France and then to the Wright Brothers.
Well that’s all fine and dandy, but why can’t the thought of flight have
existed before 200BC? Were the people back then only banging rocks together and
making grunt noises until one day…BANG!!!...they could talk intelligently, write
and exist on a higher level of existence, I highly doubt this.
In Egypt a small toy was found and it looked a lot like a
plane/bird. They claim it isn’t a bird because it fits to closely to a modern
day jet and no bird looked like that. I have to admit when you first look at
the toy it does look like a modern day jet fighter, but was it, I don’t think
so. Do I think it could be an example of a glider that may or may not have been
built so man could fly like the birds…yes. They had birds in the day of the
dinosaurs, so why is it that man would not want to fly in the air to satisfy
their curiosity and desire? They say there is no original idea left in this
world and that applies even to the theory of flight. Man probably desired to
fly back then just as we do now. The difference is while we have modern
machines of electronics and composite metals to give us the ability to fly,
ancient man did not have this luxury. Now I do feel ancient man had some types
of machines, but nothing to enable them to ability to fly long sustained
flights as we do today. I do think however that they did have the materials in
order to produce gliders made of light wood so they could fly for short periods
of flight. Making a glider is not all that difficult if the basic understanding
of flight, air currents and mass/weight ratio is understood. In Egypt these
people made the pyramids out of practically nothing as they did in Mexico and
in China they made gunpowder and fireworks…these were not stupid people. These
were people driven by purpose, faith and desire. So the idea of them making a
glider based upon the design of an already established flying machine, aka a
bird, should be pretty easy to accept.

One of the one facts that keep coming up with people is;
well if they did create such machines such as gliders then where is the
evidence? Why can’t we find any trace of these gliders existing? My answer is:
are you stupid? You are sitting there with these ancient little glider toys in
your hand and you say there is no evidence, how dumb can you be. It’s like a
little kid holding the baseball bat in his hand and saying he has no clue how
the baseball broke the window. Now why aren’t there any artifacts of the big
gliders themselves, well if you look at the ancient sites, very little has
survived due to years of erosion and poor artifact collecting due to tomb
raiders, and not the Laura Croft kind either. And who knows, maybe there are
artifacts left out there and we just haven’t been able to find them yet because
we aren’t looking in the right place.
It should not be hard to believe that people who lived
practically in the middle of nowhere who were able to construct enormous cities
and do complex math and astronomy would be able to understand the concept of
flight. I feel without a shadow of a doubt that these two cultures as well as
others were able to create gliders and envision themselves being able to fly like
birds and be close to their Gods. To think we are the only society and culture
to desire the ability to fly and work at achieving that goal is very arrogant
on our part. Let’s just remember one key fact; we rely on computers and
calculators to do complex match problems to do architecture and astronomy.
These cultures of people did this without such modern day electronics…that is
until we find they created electronics as well…which may be possible, lol.
Be safe & remember that you may not be as smart as you
think you are or at least as smart as our ancient forefathers,
John Cannon
John Cannon
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