The Amber room was actually a gift from a Prussian King to a
Russian Czar…Czar Peter the Great to be specific sometime in 1716. It was a
huge room completely decorated and carved out of amber. By the way this amber
was worth over $142 million dollars, that was definitely a lot of money back in
those days…heck even for these days unless your names is Bill Gates. Now the
gift of this room isn’t the mystery, but what would happen to this room in
years later is where the mystery begin.
During WW2 as war ravaged the land and gripped the world in
full red alert Hitler was stealing and pillaging as an ancient Viking would do.
He would steal works of art and statutes as well a s seeking biblical artifacts
to fuel his crazy delusional occult like mind. Now whether or not these relics
are real is for another time and another place which we will discuss in the
future. What I want to focus on is that of his thievery across the countries he
conquered or attempted to conqueror.
The Amber Room was in fact stolen by Hitler and packed up
into boxes which were then shipped back to Germany and stored in a castle as
one of the many Nazi Treasures to be taken during his reign. Now the mystery
begins, you see it was said that the castle in which the Amber Room was kept
was bombed and burnt down to the ground. Well that’s all fine and good however
Stalin sent his troops in to claim the Amber Room back and he combed each and
every inch of that destroyed castle and you know what he found…nothing. He
spent many resources and time going through the castle to claim back what was
once Russia’s, but no luck. Now sure could the Amber have been burnt in the
destruction of the castle…yes…but unlikely since it can burn but still retain that
fact that it is Amber. In fact it was said the location of the Amber Room was
so hidden that the men who stored it there were all shot by a general just so
nobody else could find it…talk about covering up your tracks.
Now there are two theories that are amassed on this legend,
one being that the Nazis had moved the amber to another hiding place which is
highly likely. The Nazis have hidden a number of treasures all over during war
time and even to this day we are finding more and more treasures and secrets
from the Nazis. There are businesses dedicated to strictly finding Nazi
treasure and some of these are actually backed by governments to reclaim their
countries treasures back that were once stolen from there. Now the other theory
is that Stalin’s men did in fact find the amber but since it was burnt they said
they didn’t in the ever huge propaganda machine to keep the Russian people
strongly against the German people. I tend to lean more towards this theory as
it has been said the Russian propaganda machine was equal to that of the
Germans, but I would love to hear someday that they actually found the Amber

Now these expeditions have found leads and stumbled across
other treasures, but they are yet to find the Amber Room. Also death threats
have been sent to these people who are trying to find the treasures and the
truth, which I think is ridiculous because the truth will set you free what are
you so afraid that these expeditions will find?
This is considered the holy grail of nazi treasures…I don’t
know about that I would think Hitler getting his hands on the Holy Grail itself
would be the holy grail of treasures, but now I’m just being silly. Someday I
hope the treasures are found and restitutions are made with the violated
countries getting back their countries treasures…plus I like amber and would
love to see the room, sorry Im a bit selfish.
Be safe and support fossilization,
Jon Bolton
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