While there are many aspects to the whole UFOs and Ancient
Aliens that we can take a look at and pick apart…and believe me in time I will…I
will, I want to look at wars in the skies. The Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita,
Native American texts, Chinese scrolls & in other forms of written text or
art there are a number of events chronicling wars in the skies. Now whether
these wars are considered that of divine intervention or natural phenomena, the
newest approach to these occurrences are that of actual UFO wars…very star wars
like. It seems that in all major religions & cultures around the world
there is a story in their written text about a war in heaven, in the Bible it
is the war that really starts good and evil and subsequently gives Satan power,
but this isn’t a Sunday school lesson this is about UFOs. The point is that it
seems there is a trend no matter the location in the world there seems to be
some sort of “war in the sky” going on.

Now first off when you read about these shapes in the sky
couldn’t it be something as simple as sunglares? Do a google image search and
check our sunglares, there are a number of different types of sunglares because
the human eye sees them so differently. Plus, you know how when you first wake
up you have that sand like junk in your eye and your eyes are watery then you
take a look at something bright? You see different shapes and things tend to
look blurry, well this event happened early in the morning when the sun was
rising so wouldn’t it make sense that waking up suddenly to go take a look at
something wouldn’t make you see clearly as to what is going on? Ok now why
where they woken up suddenly…who knows, maybe some natural explosion, which
does happen or maybe it could have been something else. The point I am making
is that you can’t always believe what you see, plus as the story gets told over
and over again it turns into “whisper down the lane”. You know that kids game
where you tell one person one thing and by the time it reaches the 10th
person the statement is completely changed. These UFO reports are just in fact
that, they are stories passed down from generation to generation…I know a guy,
who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who saw these things in the
sky. How reliable of a source is that, it gives you a starting point to look
at, but can you take it as an actual fact, I don’t think so. We have the best
in picture capture technology in the world today from digital cameras to High
definition video cameras and yet we still don’t believe what we see when faced
with actual evidence, so why are we trusting a painting and a passed along

In closing I would like you to question what you see and
hear. Don’t just look at something and go into some full blown wacked out idea
in your mind and then claim it a truth without really looking into it. What you
may be seeing may have a logical common sense explanation for it, and then once
you have researched it and eliminated the junk you will then have what you
really saw. Take some time to do the research and you will be rewarded
well, I am sure of that.
Be safe and remember…sunglares kill, actually they don’t,
Jon Bolton
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