Cloudbusting, as odd as it sounds, was in fact a device invented by an Austrian psychoanalyst by the name of Wilhelm Reich. Why did he create such a device? Well simple, it was created so that it could drain the clouds of their orgone energy. Orgone energy is a universal life force, this energy controls everything in the universe and those deficient in orgone could develop such disease as cancer. And do you know who thought and came up with this? Why it was Wilhelm Reich the creator of the Cloudbuster, see how it all ties together and makes sense. I didn’t think so, because I am still confused over the whole orgone thing and I have been reading a number of papers and article about it.

I have included a picture of what one of these cloudbusters looked like. It
almost looks like some sort of a demented pipe organ pointed at the sky.

I saying that this is a far fetched idea…yes I am. I am saying the whole aspect
of orgone energy and the assumption it is the form of universal life is a far
fetched idea. Now on some farms and you can even see this on a Dirty Jobs
episode of a peach farm where they use air cannons in order to control the
environment (ie clouds) and I have come to find out they use this on other
farms as well. There is some science to the aspect of using air cannons in
order to control the weather and the aspect of cloud seeding has been going on
for years. However this machine really did nothing but point at the clouds with
tubes and hoses running into the water.
he may have been in fact a brilliant man and a out side the box thinker, I
would classify this as a machine with no real purpose. If you want to, you can
create the whole thing yourself from supplies you can find at Lowes or Home
depot for less than $100, I know because I have looked. So if you feel bored
then build one yourself and try busting some clouds.
Be safe and watch out for those pesky clouds,
Jon Bolton
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