The synopsis is as such:
The mile high city is rocked when an ancient Egyptian menace comes to town, and the Denver Ghostbusters must return to save the universe once more. In this sequel to the internet cult hit Freddy VS Ghostbusters, the boys in gray find themselves up to their eyeballs in spooks, as a greater threat looms on the horizon...
I have to admit I didn’t think too much of it when I first heard about it, I was never in love with fan films and had never really seen one that peaked my interest. So I as much as I was not looking forward to it I was such a fan of Ghostbusters I figured I would watch it. Heck if you said the Ghostbusters were in the new Santa Conquers the Martians I would suck and watch that film again…not willingly, but I would.
As I began to watch the film I fell in love instantly, the music the film quality, the editing and the special effects were absolutely fantastic. I sat there thinking to myself “Why isn’t this the next one in the film series, seriously???” The whole thing was crafted so perfectly and it made me a fan of Ghostbusters once again. Despite the real Ghostbusters actors like Murry and Aykroyd the people of this fan film took the dropped ball and ran with it. They didn’t try to be exact carbon copies of the iconic Ghostbuster characters we all know and love, they did their own thing and it worked perfectly.

This movie was put out in 2007 and according to their website took a little over 2 years to complete and the film was made up of volunteers doing the acting, special effects and overall filming. Now that is true love for what you are doing and trying to do as a fan. To spend 2 years creating a fan film based upon an icon film is true and pure dedication at its highest level.
Now when they finally get off their butts and decide to do the 3rd Ghistbusters my vote is for them to bring the people in who made Return of the Ghostbusters because they won’t phone it in. They will take it seriously and put forth the effort the original cast did in the very first Ghostbusters.
I highly recommend seeing this fan film if you haven’t yet, because if you are a fan or former fan of the franchise please check this movie out and support fan films.
Be safe and make sure your proton pack is charged,
John Cannon
Check out their website:
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