We obviously know that out medical practices in this day an
age of technology and scientific advances are much more reliable and successful
than back then. The belief of how disease was spread and started could be
considered laughable at best, because the last time I checked when I get a
stomach pain it isn’t a small troll inside me trying to get out, I have been
known to be wrong in the past however.
I, for some odd reason, started to think about these
medical practices while I was at the hospital about to get surgery on my
sinuses and figured what the heck; let’s see what I can find out. To my shock,
horror and humor I have found the following.
Hemroids: There was a 7th century monk who was
actually the patron saint for hemorrhoid pain, that saint definitely got the
wrong end of the deal on that one. Now get this one, he apparently developed
hemorrhoids in his garden and sat on a stone which gave him the magical cure.
The stone apparently exists to this day and can me visited by any sufferer
looking to sit upon its magical surface for relief and cure. Of course if that
did not work then you could always take the other approach which would be to
use a red hot poker to burn them away.
Zodiac signs: Another practice was that depending on what
astrological sign you were born under the doctor needed to be aware of certain
things. If you were a Taurus the doctor should not make incisions in the neck
and throat and avoid cutting any veins in this area. Now if you were a Virgo
the doctor should avoid cutting open a wound in the belly and internal parts,
looks like virgos didn’t last to long in life. Now being a Pisces I had to see
what I was forbade from doing, and it looks like my doctor should not cut my
feet, look like I make out in this deal of dos and don’ts of this surgical

Bloodletting: Bloodletting is the one cure that everyone has
pretty much heard about so I won’t spend too much time on this one. It was the
practice of cutting veins and letting the toxins within the body to flow out
via the blood stream. This in practicality sounds like a viable solution if it
were not for the fact that usually you bled to death. They would slice a vein
open and let the blood flow, not everyone died, but it was a barbaric treatment
to say the least. Now if they were trying to release the toxins after watching
the movie Twilight I could completely understand that.

Toothache: Some people have had toothaches and some have
not, I have been fortunate enough to not have one, but I do know some people
who have and they say it’s very painful. So here is a remedy I think should
work for everyone that I found in my research plus it will save on dental
bills. If you take a candle and burn it close to the tooth that is hurting then
the worms, yes I said worms, that are gnawing at the tooth will fall out into a
cup of water held close to the mouth and candle. See dentists are such con
artists, they tell us we need to floss and brush everyday; how does that keep
worms away? No wonder my dentists never told me about the candle trick, he
would lose all his business, such a con.

Now there are a vast amount of other weird medical therapies
used such as leeches & maggots, which by the way are actually used in
modern hospitals today to help heal cuts and wounds, but for the majority the
ancient practices are long gone away. One thing I found interesting was the
fact that even though it was the dark ages, they did rely heavily on
sterilization by washing wounds and washing and burning medical tools. The
diagnosis’s might have been off and some of the remedies not so well planned
out, but at least they knew that dirt was bad.
Be safe and remember that candles are better than brushing,
John Cannon
John Cannon
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