First off let’s look at the definition of a ghost: A ghost - or spirit or
apparition - is the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and
has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next. Most researchers
believe that these spirits do not know they are dead. Very often they have died
under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances. Ghosts can be
perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound
(voices), smell (fragrances and odors), touch - and sometimes they can just be
Now I think that is an operational definition that we can
all agree on as being a good explanation of what a ghost is. So now that we
have that out of the way and we pick apart this definition let’s take a look at
where it says that a ghost is someone who has died under traumatic, unusual or
highly emotional circumstances. What could be more traumatic than seeing a
Japanese dive bomber plummeting into the side of a ship and sinking it to the
bottom of the sea? What could be any more highly emotional than watching waves
and waves of Japanese fighters and bombers destroying the docks at Pearl Harbor
knowing you and your fellow soldiers are unprepared for such a massive attack? And
that’s is just the tip of the iceberg, this doesn’t include submarine disasters
and other ship sinking’s such as the R.M.S. Titanic.

Now obviously you can’t do normal EVP work under the sea but
you can use sonar or put a audio recorder in a water proof bag and take it down
with you. The theory is the same that there may be something that appears on
the recording because if the ghost doesn’t want you there it will tell you, just
as it would if you were anywhere else. As well you can do the same as it
applies to a k-2 meter, just simply put it into a waterproof bag or I’m sure
there are some highly expensive underwater k-2 meters as well.
Now I have brought this up to many people, both scuba divers
and ghost hunters and very rarely have I run into someone who didn’t think I
was out of my mind until after I explained it to them. Why is it so absurd? If
you look at some fundamental aspects in relation to the conductivity of water
and electricity this theory starts to make a bit more sense. Water can conduct
electricity we all know that, so why is it such a stretch of the imagination
that electricity can be attached to something underwater?

In my research I have found one place that actually has
taken on the challenge of underwater ghost hunting. They implement sonar
technology for collecting evp’s as well as underwater video and digital
cameras. Now I am not sure if they got as far as emf’s, but I wouldn’t be
shocked if they are currently working on it.
Well I think I am going to have to try some stuff out the
next time I go diving, I just have to make sure the equipment isn’t going to
implode as the pressure crushes it to death. I guess we will see, and as always
you are welcome to dispute my reasoning, but you can’t so you won’t
Be safe and take swimming lessons,
John Cannon
John Cannon
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